5 Simple Back Relief Poses for Daily Life

5 Simple Back Relief Poses for Daily Life

Cat and cow pose

Begin on all fours, arch your back upward like a cat, then curve it downward like a cow. Repeat 10 times for a soothing stretch.

Cobra stretch

Lie down, place hands near chest, and lift upper body. Hold briefly, then lower gently for a rejuvenating stretch.

Bridges with Skybike Inversion Table

Lay on back, lift hips while keeping body aligned. Strengthen your lower back and stretch out arms and legs with Skybike inversion table. Take deep breaths for 3-5 seconds and return to the original position. Repeat for 3 sets.


Stand tall, reach arms overhead, lean back slightly, then bend forward to touch toes. Repeat slowly 10 times for lower back relief.

Child’s pose

Kneel, sit on heels, and bend forward with arms extended. Feel the tension ease from your lower back in this soothing pose.